To train correctly with a horse and to prevent injuries, it is useful if you know something about anatomy and biomechanics. The functioning of the muscles,
Tag archieven: Dressage
Every horse can be trained
Every horse can be trained. My father used to say: everything in the stable will be trained correctly. That was mainly because we had no money and I
The right aids on a horse
How do you give the right aids? I think it doesn’t really matter what you do exactly, as long as you always ask the same way and demand the same
Why dressage?
Some riders think dressage is not for them. They think it’s boring. But the fact is, if you want to enjoy your horse more, you can’t do without it. Dressage is useful. A supple horse is more fun to ride. What’s the fun of hunter trials or even a simple hack if the horse pulls your arms out all the time? Or he doesn’t react to your aids?
Eventers and showjumpers are doing dressage all the time, only they call it flatwork. Actually, it is very much the same. In the end it helps them to