To start with…

Can you please not talk about horses?

This is a regular comment of my family. I fail all the time. I never really wondered where this fascination – let’s say addiction- comes from. I Lees meer


All the points of the Skala of Dressage are important. But one that always troubles me the most is straightness.

Like a human being every horse is crooked by nature. Which gets worse when we crooked people sit on their backs. And it is your duty as a rider to make Lees meer


Engagement can be explained  as forward energy, ask for and controlled by the rider, delivered by the horse without tension. The horse moves forward freely, swinging his hindlegs more under his body with each stride. This engagement is necessary for the correct contact.

A lot of times this is confused with going fast. It has nothing to do with speed. A horse can go very slow and be super engaged (collection), whereas Lees meer